Expression of appreciation of another one's achievement; well done!
Big up yourself for fixing that bug in time.
by dd October 20, 2003
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The phrase coined in the late 1980's to describe a person that is modest.
'It was nothing special.'
'BullShit, you fucked her good. Big up yourself!'
by hippy_stick October 16, 2003
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big up yourself bro'!
by ph0biaz~Emily October 19, 2003
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To speak of yourself in glowing often exaggerated terms.
I very much dislike Jim, he's always big up'n hisself.
by Matthew Sposato October 16, 2003
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To make yourself strong... on the inside or on the out.
You must big up yourself to survive.
by Captain Crunch October 19, 2003
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