Not really a definition but I always get called baby Annabel and Annabel the creepy doll do you ever get called any of them?
Hello baby Annabel baby Annabel oh yeah and hi Annabel the creepy doll
by Hello this is true February 11, 2020
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She's very smart and can put you in your place at any time, she's particularly picky when it comes to may things. She's a bookworm when it comes down to it. Short with an attitude, but if someone has that same attitude with her, she is very sensitive and emotional. Cute and adorable in all ways and can make you laugh uncontrollably. All around a great girl to have
by KingKali July 18, 2018
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Hot, beautiful, kind, and smart. Annabel is one of the most loyal and amazing people you will ever meet. Don’t let an annabel go.
“Wow! Who’s that beautiful girl over there?”
Oh, that’s Annabel. She’s the best.”
by Hthrdjdj2jcmdjcm December 15, 2017
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A beautiful,sexy,nice,intellectual girl that will always have time to listen to you. Any man that can say I talked to annabel is a lucky man. Any man that can call Annabel his girl is very lucky. All the boys want to be with her and all the girls want to be her. Annabel is one of the most beautiful girls in the world. She is very smart and sporty.
Man : What's your name?

Annabel : My name is Annabel.
Man : That's why your so smart,pretty,nice and sporty.
Annabel : Thanks 🌺👸🌺
by DevanIsVeryHotAndAwesome April 9, 2017
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Annabel is a fit, sexy girl who can steal any man and amaze him with her hotness. She comes across as cute and very fit but really she’s a hot model. She can be a bitch at times and is very fisty but that’s what makes her an Annabel, she has an amazing body and all the boys watch her as she walks by. She is a princess but a freak when it comes to the bedroom ;) any guy would be lucky to have an Annabel and if u do watch out no one steals her!
Guy: woah did u see that girl walk by she has a banging body!

Other guy: yeah she’s a real freak in bed 😍
Girl: she’s a bitch to girls I don’t like her .
Guy: whatttt? Annabel? She’s a real cutie
by Abdsfgbd May 18, 2018
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A funny, tall, talented girl that usually tries to make herself different than everyone else (i.e. Dyes her hair pink, tattoos, piercings). She loves to do anything that her friends are doing and is very compliant when it comes to her friends' decisions, which is sometimes a problem when she has to decide something for her friends. Also enjoys junk food and music.
girl 1: Whos that girl with the purple hair?
girl 2: Must be Annabel!

guy 1: Wow, that Annabel really knows how to draw!
guy 2: Yup, she's a real artist! I hope I marry someone who's at least half as cool as Annabel.
by Ocean dweller November 24, 2012
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Annabel is obviously hotter than Cooper. It's just a fact.
by SupaCupa December 3, 2016
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