The release date of the ever popular "Emoji Movie"
I can't wait for July 28th, I'm seeing the Emoji Movie
by Internet Freak July 28, 2017
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Person 1: is the biggest slut
Person 2: her birthday must be July 28th
by ASSLICKER69420 October 14, 2019
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National ask someone out day. Do you have a crush? This is the day to ask them out.
Muse A: Yo, you see that girl over there? I've had a crush on her for the longest time!
Muse B: Go ask her out, it is July 28th! National ask someone out day!
by Luckymicky October 18, 2019
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July 28th is national send James nudes day, and get some in return, but only jame’s girlfriend- as he doesn’t want anyone’s nudes but hers because he doesn’t belong to the streets.
It’s July 28th...James’s lucky day!
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