A symbol used over text to show that you agree with someone and letting it be known that their d!ck as been in their mouth on multiple occasions
*Person 1 asking Person 2 and person 3 about a performance*

Person 1: How do y'all feel about your performance?

person 2: We dont talk to fans
person 3: ^
by Webster123456789 April 1, 2022
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Also called a "caret", it's used in math to denote a power
2^6 = 64
by 581734859348956385761357823456 December 11, 2020
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Named a 'carat'.

Informally: This is used to say that you agree to the message/statement above
Person 1: This cat looks so beautiful
Person 2: ^^^
Person 1: IKR
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A symbol of punctuation that announces sarcasm.

When used at the end of a sentence, it marks that sentence as a sarcastic remark.
Kid A: "Oh no, I forgot to recycle that bottle. I threw it in the trash! I am forever shamed!^"
Kid B: "As you should be!^"
by Tidus Typhoon October 4, 2007
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A symbol created by pressing SHIFT + 6 on most keyboards that is used to agree with the person above you and to show your presence without adding anything to the conversation.
Person 1: Bill is so annoying
Person 2: ^
Person 3: ^
Bill: ^
by X-phoid March 3, 2023
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