When a girl is on her period, and the guys about to eat her, and she opens it up and it falls all over the guy
Mike: dude in was bout to eat my gf, but i didn't know she was on her month

Ryan: and what happened?

Mike: she opened it up and it poured all over me

Ryan: haha she did The Kool-Aid pour

Mike: What?

Ryan: never mind
by nbdbsd201 November 10, 2010
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When you've been out on the sesh drinking lots of alcohol and necking lots of strangers.... and your mouth just feels dirty and diseased.
I went out last night with the girls and this morning... mouth aids


She's such a slut she necks everyone. Bet her mouth tastes like mouth aids.
by Secretiveslut11 September 30, 2018
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Yo I got stabbed luckily I had a Redneck Band-Aid on me.
by BurntAce January 20, 2021
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The appearance a person’s face takes on after “drinking the Kool-Aid” re: plastic surgery, fillers & upkeep, where they end up looking like the Kool-Aid man.
Apparently the Queen Of Pop has switched to Kool-Aid, based on her Kool-Aid face.
by TheSquidGirl March 23, 2023
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A term used to describe something that is extremely cringe and annoying.
That weird andrew tate guy is Very Aids
by Walter whit December 30, 2022
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A buttocks that changes colors from being smacked during flirting, foreplay, or sex.
Last night my girl had a kool aid booty.
by tinyfool August 9, 2013
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