The thing birds crash into or little children jump through.
Repair Guy: so how’d this window break in the first place
Me: some kid thought that he could float right through it. Spoiler alert, he’s not magical
by King_J1123 April 18, 2021
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Transitive verb

To get rid of something undesirable in a prompt manner.
1. I think we should window this part of the presentation; it doesn't really add anything.
2. - Hey man there's a rotten apple in your fridge.

- Window it for me, please.
3. Your girl did what!? Cheated on you again!? Man you've gotta window that bitch as soon as possible.
by RipplesFactoryDosMilDiecinueve February 12, 2019
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To rid one's immediate physical surroundings (or life in general) of something undesirable. Often used when feeling upset, angry, or fed up with something/someone. Normally used metaphorically.
Bob: Oh fuck my computer's stopped working again!
Bill: Window it.

J: Hello mate, why the sad expression?
Al: My wife made me take hundreds of photos of her again, making stupid poses and pouting etc, all for her dumb Instagram account. It took ages, and on top of that, she complained that the photos were shit.
J: Man you really need to grow some balls and window that bitch asap.
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**Windows:** bloating os with spyware
Windows is the most trash os ever
by AHiddenDonut August 20, 2021
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Something you cant see ur ugly motherfucking face in because it is see thru
by Urmom696988 March 29, 2023
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