my all of my friends are queer/fruity! literally a fruit salad!!
by aleztify May 25, 2022
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yummy yummy
Friend 1: ayyy you got a fruit salad?

Friend 2: yea *continues to put a fish in blender*
by grenpiss26 January 22, 2021
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A term usually used to describe a absurdly gay, or homosexual, person. However, it can also be used to describe someone when they are not thinking straight or acting stupid. It's commonly used to substitute words like "faggot," "retard," "douche bag," or even "piece of shit" if you want to spice things up.
What are you a fucking fruit cup?
Get your head out of your ass you fruit cup!
Now that guy definitely has to be a major fruit cup.
by Robbie Cringe April 20, 2017
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Where you fart in your hand and throw it into the mouth or face of a person near by.
I’m about to fruit cup this chode!
by MILKYMARS May 5, 2021
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Farting into a cupped hand and putting the hand in someone else's face.
I fruit cuped jimmy and he almost threw up.
by FrostySLuG February 24, 2017
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a dust of short and misty rain drops while in you're in the state of california
"what the hell is this, california fruit rain?"
by thisguy17 November 4, 2021
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