Capitalist dictatorship, fascist dictatorship, nazi dictatorship, masculinist/redpill/mgtow dictatorship, machist dictatorship, androcentrist dictatorship, heterosexist dictatorship, believing dictatorship, evangelical dictatorship, flat earth dictatorship, celibate dictatorship, islamic dictatorship, neoliberal dictatorship, bourgeoisie dictatorship, dictatorship of anti-vaccine, dictatorship of business community, military dictatorship, conservative dictatorship, liberal (economy) dictatorship, dictatorship of sexual abstinence, olavist dictatorship, dictatorship of high prices, religious dictatorship, dictatorship of believers, dictatorship of Institutional Act Number Five, dictatorship of rich supremacy, dictatorship of the Far West, dictatorship of rifles , denialist dictatorship, death penalty dictatorship, misogynistic dictatorship, homophobic dictatorship, masonic dictatorship, integralist dictatorship, dictatorship of the supremacy of police/military criminals and dictatorship of privatization.
I hate right-wing.
by Ficfanficfan May 12, 2023
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Pro-evangelicals, pro-believers, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, pro-bourgeoisie, nazism, fascism, islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, liberation of rifles, denialism, death penalty, privatization, conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelical supremacy, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of entrepreneurs, supremacy of agribusiness, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of profit, supremacy of criminals who are military or police , military supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, weaponry with grenade, white supremacy and

I hate right-wing.
by Jenword May 20, 2023
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Pro-evangelicals, pro-believers, high prices, androcentrism, anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, pro-bourgeoisie, nazism, fascism, islamism, capitalism, militarism, economic liberalism, neoliberalism, olavism, liberation of rifles, denialism, death penalty, privatization, conservatism, masculinism/mgtow/redpill, machism, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, evangelical supremacy, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of entrepreneurs, supremacy of agribusiness, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of profit, supremacy of criminals who are military or police , military supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, weaponry with grenade, white supremacy and chloroquine.
I hate right-wing.
by Willez May 22, 2023
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Flat-earthism, nazism, fascism, capitalism, conservatism, hydroxychloroquine, death penalty, liberation of rifles, liberation of grenades, liberalism, militarism, integralism, redpill/MGTOW, machism, heterosexism, religious fanaticism, catholicism, reverse racial quotas, freemasonry, evangelicalism, christianity (and various religions), patriarchy, neoliberalism, androcentrism, white supremacy, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy, supremacy of the rich, supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of bosses, supremacy of businesspeople, business dictatorship, olavism, anti-vaccine, islamism, celibacy, chloroquine, obligation to marry, obligation to procreate, high prices in stores and privatization.
by Juicekapo October 31, 2023
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Anti-vaccination, homophobia, misogyny, minimal state, Bolsonarism, Nazi-Fascism, Nazism, Fascism, Hitlerism, Mussolinism, Islamism, Capitalism, Militarism, Economic Liberalism, Neoliberalism, AI-5, Olavism, Francoism, Salazarism, Pinochetism, Arenism, Stroessnerism, release of rifles, death penalty, privatization, retrograde conservatism, masculinism/MGTOW, machism, white supremacy, religious fanaticism, flat earthism, exaggerated evangelism, sexual abstinence, heterosexism, supremacy of bosses, supremacy of business community, supremacy of the rich (high class), supremacy of the bourgeoisie, supremacy of criminals who are military or police, supremacy of the military, male supremacy, heterosexual supremacy and civilian weaponry with rifle and grenade.
I'm not on the right-wing.
by WWW9999 March 13, 2023
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Dipping your male partners genitals in ranch while performing fellatio
Sara: "I gave Ashton a buffalo wing last night"
by Popwop July 28, 2021
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