1. When someone you like says "we are just friends" basically friendzoning you
2. When 2 people who are obviously dating say they are just dating.
Person: Are you two dating?
Person 2+3: Uhhhh no, we are just friends (IN PERFECT UNISON).
Person: Uh ok
by I<3Chickens July 25, 2022
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Quoted many times from the boy who is a blind as he is blond
Adrien "she's just a friend"
LITERALLY everyone else "😡"
by TheMotherFuckingBeauty August 29, 2023
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Quoted many times from the boy who is a blind as he is blond
Adrien "she's just a friend"
LITERALLY everyone else "😡"
by TheMotherFuckingBeauty August 29, 2023
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The act of having friends.
A: They are such a nice friends
B: Yes! It's so nice to just be friends with someone
A: I wish I had friends too
by Patric Peterson February 9, 2020
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It says it in the name all they are is best friends nothing is ever gonna happen they don’t like eachother. Get that in your head Alexis!!!
Are you guys dating ? no we are just best friends
by Val’s Short Ass April 24, 2019
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when two people who don’t want a relationship, but still want all the best parts of one, make a pact to remain just friends but exclusively for each other
Boy: “So I can’t hang out with other girls?”

Girl: “No, we aren’t dating but we are exclusive. Call us exclusive just friends”

Boy: “Ah man
by ButWhatAreWe? July 26, 2022
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The words that your crush says to u when u say u like them then in their head they’re going: ‘ Shit. I don’t like like them. How do I tell them?*Looks on urbandictionary.com* oh ok,’. A.K.A The death of you ESPECIALLY if you said it in front of other people.
Dude-ess: I love you.
Dude’s Head: Damn it I don’t like them
Dude: Let’s just be friends...
by Numnumcookie1234yeet January 24, 2020
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