Reference to someone somewhat maniacal in behavior. Someone who acts as if they are out of a Government testing facility.
He's being as crazy as Test subject A!
by Test subject A November 2, 2010
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(noun): when you do something purposefully like a bish (because sometimes people just need to be put in their place) and then you tell your bf about it. His response determines if you have a future together.

This test is to be used in conjunction with and only after you have successfully completed the Bear Test.
"Hey Amanda, did Pastry ever pass his Spicy Sister Test?"

"Why, yes, he sure did Sabrina. I told him about how I sassed and stared down the short guy at work while I was wearing heels. The bf responded with, 'That's totally his own fault.' He did well and now I know he can handle this spicy sister."
by Aunt Bina March 10, 2014
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its when you smell your nigga's nuts, then play trust balls with them. trust balls is when you cup your nuts in your hands, and then hover it over their hands, as if you're about to dump your nuts on his hands. Once you're in position, you both say "trust balls", and its up to that individual to decide whether or not he'll dump his nuts on his hands. If he doesn't dump his balls during trustballs, and you smell his nuts, you then have to take his socks off. Then you pass the homie test
Did you hear about Ben passing the homie test with Ismael?
by cawkmachine9000 April 21, 2023
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big long thick test

my motto is to always live by the big long thick test 😏
"I always make sure he passes the blt test before I get too serious."
by sopapaga January 30, 2023
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The amount of time it takes on a blind date or a computer date site date before you realize that the next hour or two is going to be a total waste of time. In other words: you're not attracted.
Dude #1: How was the date last night?
Dude #2: Horrible!
Dude #1: What? She fail the ten second test?
Dude #2: No, I think I did! She hardly talked to me or looked at me the whole time.
by Vagabond King January 31, 2010
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It is most commonly used in Australia and Britain. It is when a (most commonly teenage boy) masterbaits to a females face and if it’s enjoyable he will move on to other things sexually related.
Gavin: are you going to chop in on Leah or what?
Brendan: no bro, she didn’t even pass the face test
Gavin: fuck that’s a hard one to pass
Brendan: aye
by 04youmissoismine April 17, 2020
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The greates gift of all. Presents the joy of sleeping and then doing whatever you wish while know everyone else is at school taking 2 hours long tests.
semester test exemptions
by Iamexempt December 19, 2013
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