Similar to "Netflix and Chill" and "Hulu and Relax"; used in place of both, as people have caught on.
Brad: "Hey, Julia, wanna come over and watch YouTube and unwind"

Julia: "Sure I'll pick up the condoms"

Brad: "Wait, I thought we were just gonna watch YouTube and unwind?"

Julia: "Netflix and Chill means we fuck, dumbass"
by th3hand13r October 6, 2015
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A play on Director's Cut, it's whenever YouTubers get a hold of a clip and mess with it. Often times the best version of many sports, political and everyday moments.
I can't wait for the YouTube Cut versions of Trump's inaugural speech, but I think I'll pass on watching the original.
by bean, trivia queen November 10, 2016
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1. Browsing, commenting, favoriting, and watching videos on YouTube.
2. What I do when I'm not A. Playing Guitar B. Playing PS3 C. Watching TV or D. Doing absolutely anything in my social life.
Fat Weird Guy: Ahh, 24 hour YouTubing. Where would I be without you?
Fat Weird Guys Mother: Probably out of my basement...

Me: Huh. Three of my guitar strings are broken, I've unlocked absolutely everything on God Of War 2, nothing good is on tv, and I just dumped my girlfriend. What a wonderful day to go YouTubing!
by Thrasher13 January 29, 2010
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