
its gonna ruin your life.
"what 'you doin tmr?"

"going to school "
"ooh, you mean hell?, i see"
by gottaloveglue December 16, 2021
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The ultimate hell that kids have to crawl back to on a daily basis where they "learn" but most of what they learn isn't even used when they grow up.
by Permanent Marker Looking Ass September 24, 2021
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1. An institution that educates children and teens on several subjects via practical, or theoretical experience.

2. A group of some smaller types of fish.

3. A place that Urban Dictionary writers clown on for several reasons.
1. "Gotta get this done for school, otherwise it's gonna get an E!"

2. "The orca feeds off schools of smaller fish in order to survive."

3. "You wake up at six in the morning to go to a building which resembles a federal prison. There, you go from class to class, repeating the same thing over and over..."
by leuma1610 August 14, 2020
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a type of prison. often for kids/teens. you go to it 8/7 hours a day for around 12 years

def number two
seven crappy hours of our life
s c h o o l
i fucking hate school
by schoolmakesmesad April 23, 2019
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1. Hell.
2. A place where you get homework for no fucking reason!
School is hell. I got homework for no fucking reason!
by dfghjkjhgfhjklokjhghukyvguiykg October 31, 2019
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School is an absolute piece of garbage in its building form and should be destroyed
*School being destroyed*

Construction worker: finally that fucking place is gone for good
by SPOOKBOI October 10, 2018
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