This phrase is mainly used when your in public and you either mess up or really mad and you don't want to say a long slur of swears.
"Snap, crackle, pop rice crispie treats"! I ripped my nail!
by A.B.C.D. August 18, 2012
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When a red haired person uses any means of contact to lash out verbally. Often attempting to start fights or cause a reaction.
Damn, Joe had to block Roscowitz on Facebook, cause he was Ginger-Snapping so hard.

Rage Quit Anger Management
by Smeekley December 23, 2014
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When you’re speaking to a couple of gingers on snapchat at the moment.
“Have you been snapping anyone lately” “Just a bit of ginger snapping x”
by Ajdhbdnekdkf October 20, 2018
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