A variation of the Ad Hominem logical fallacy.

The act of labeling a person “racist”, “sexist”, or some other "-ist" or "-ism" in situations where these are not warranted, in an attempt to exploit the stigmas accompanying such labels and force the opponent to spend time and energy explaining “why he/she is not a bigot”.
Instead of arguing my point, that person has simply engaged in bigoteering and accused me of antisemitism.
by July 18, 2021
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When, during intercourse, a woman farts and queefs simultaneously. Undoubtedly the man simply shakes his head and leaves.
Todd: Man, I'm just irritated with women these days.
Ted: Why's that?
Todd: Last night I was making this beautiful girl, then without any warning Southern bigots just burst through the room.
Ted: Please tell me you left...
Todd: Even a, "pardon me," wouldn't have kept me in her. She obviously was never taught manners.
by AmericanoEnchilado August 7, 2012
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A person who is ignorant and interrupts you when speaking. They don’t respect you and they are narcissistic.
Ajesh: Hey I was eating a cockroach last night and then it spi-
Sheldon: yea cool story but I didn’t ask. Also your moms a faggot ass whore.
Ajesh: wow you are such a bigot; I cant believe you disrespected me and my mother like that. You wait til Twitter hears about this.
by DingusSeller42 January 31, 2021
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A person who makes a joke you didn't like
"OMG James made an inappropriate joke about transgender people!! He is such a bigot!"
by Sprig of basil May 9, 2023
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@Warpzy is a fucking bigot
by June 5, 2021
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A person who discriminates, insults, or otherwise attacks another person for their innate membership to some group.
A: I sure hate Jews!
B: Wow bro, you’re a bigot! Not cool
by jazzcabbbage August 24, 2023
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