A handsome man that not only knows his way around the kitchen but knows his way around in the sack. He’s quite handy with tools and can stack the dimes when welding. He has a swagger when walking due to his catch of the day trophy trouser trout.
I’d let that Stuart take me fishing without a lake any day.
by Baja Stu November 24, 2021
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A stuart: noun another term for a peadophile not usually very nice and own the shack with Ben the dog the sworn oath owner
#1 yo rked some Stuart followed me last night

Guy #2 did he take you to the shack
by Rstephenbro July 22, 2019
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samuel is just a wonderfull person he is attractive that when ever woman walks parst the cum
omg samuel james stuart walked past me today and he is so wonderfull and attractive i came
by wicked man12345 May 4, 2022
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a stupid bitch who gets at least one rake to the face, she’s got blue eyes, single asf
omg ur defo a cerys stuart
by fatfrickwithchickennuggets December 3, 2019
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He is short and cool Al ways plays fortnite 😎 most likely friend. Camden
Stuart Smith is cool
by Will The trill January 22, 2019
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the sexiest narwal in the entire ocean, its the sassiest creature in the sea and has been known to cut a bitch if necessary.
I saw a nicholas stuart cut a bitch with uggs walking the shoreline taking instagram photos of the sunset.
by SoftAndDeadly October 28, 2013
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Fiona is the best person to know. If you don’t know her than you’re missing out. She loves to dance and likes this girl Helen Miller. She’ll always be there when you need her:)
Look it’s Fiona Stuart. But without Helen Miller. That’s weird.
by fuck teachers get answers June 10, 2021
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