a extremely underrated 6'5" half-nigerian man who people have an agenda on
he abused a tammy on social media after missing a big chance in a football game while his other teammates get let off the hook when they miss easier chances because agenda >>>>>>>>>
by Inter YourNan December 22, 2020
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Girl 1: Her names Tammy
Girl 2: What a nigga!!
by Your Left Nutsack August 24, 2022
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(The blood of Jesus)
Oh, c’mon Tammy.”
by July 16, 2021
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Tammy is my name
by November 23, 2021
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Tammy is sad
by November 24, 2021
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Tammy is a person that has mesmerizing dark brown eyes, usually with a simple but elegant touch of eyeline.

She’s got a beautiful smile and she’d giggle over silly things. She'd be a chatterbox when she’s having a good time; or curl up in the bed/chair when she’s down.

Most people would strive to be special & perfect, but Tammy just doesn’t believe in her own perfection, no matter how many times you try to convince her otherwise. When you are in the same room with her, her light will radiate & fill up the space. The sky is always a brighter blue when she smiles.

Tammy always give her loved ones her vote of confidence & they can rest assured that when the world turn its back on them, she'd stand behind their back and turn hers on the world. She may seem silly at times, but that’s only because she trust someone so much that she’d open up herself to you and do things just for his/her eyes to see.

You can count on Tammy to bring you peace and love in your heart.
Person A: I need a ten.
Person B : No, you just need a Tammy.
by VTYT March 3, 2018
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She’s a BBC, medium build, always wearing pearl wristband, bright red nail polish & a skirt that brings out her long legs. She’s got shiny dark hair, half down shoulder, but if you meet her when she’s in serious mode, she’d have tied it up in a ponytail. She has beautiful dark brown eyes, usually with a simple elegant touch of eyeline. She’d tell u that the little black dot on her cheek maybe the reason why she cries a lot. She’s got this beautiful smile, that she’d giggle over silly things. She would be a chatterbox when she’s comfortable, and curl up in the bed or chair when she’s not. Most people would strive to be special & perfect, but she doesn’t believe in her own perfection, no matter how many times u try to convince her. Maybe this is the reason why she likes the color white, because when u r in the same room with her, her light just radiates & fill up the space. She'd be the only thing that u look at, her voice'd be the only sound in ur ear, and her scent'd be everything that u carry. When u r her friend, she'd always give u her vote of confidence & u can rest assured that when the world turns its back on u, she'll stand behind ur back and turn her back on the world for u. She may seem silly at times, but that’s only because she trust u so much that she’d open her heart and do things just for ur eyes to see. She sees people in their uniqueness and would treat people with a kind heart. She brings u peace and fills up ur heart with love.
Anyone: "Tammy., I..."
Tammy: "Jo mud si? Why? Duc duc duc!"
by VTYT February 9, 2018
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