When piss on a girls back and the use a hot iron and watch your piss vaporize off her back
Isaiah: “Yo did you hear”
Ryan: “No, what happened”
Isaiah: “Will Gilberg steamboated the shit out of Alex last night”
Ryan: “Yoooooo, that’s crazyyyy”
by Benschewedjohnson34.5 January 31, 2021
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Placing a vape between ones breasts and hitting it. Once inhaled, motorboat the vapor onto ones breasts.
Bro, I just steamboated my chick last night
by smegheadontherocks August 13, 2019
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when you cum enough to fill a small pot, then boil said cumand let your lover inhale it.
Yeah I heard you and josh did the Oklahoma steamboat last night
by Mrheadphimes February 17, 2020
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Very similar to the Steamboat, however this includes the girl sucking your package while sticking your ass in a girls breasts and fart. Related to the motorboat. Not to be confused with the hot carl or the cleveland steamer.
My girlfriend and I had Mexican food this evening, perfect opportunity to do the Steamboat Package.
by TheHubShow September 30, 2017
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You shit on a girls stomach and upside down fuck her tits so you cum in the shit with great precision. You pick it up with your dick and put it in a blender. (Don't put your dick in the blender) blend your wonderful mixture and lather your hoe and fuck day ass with your shit filled shlong.
Once upon a time I took your mom to dinner and steamboat salad your mom
by miles davis5678485 February 15, 2014
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When you go vegan for a month and have someone toss your salad while you fertilize their throat.
Going vegan isn't worth it unless you've got someone to give you an avocado steamboat
by GreenGuy69 August 10, 2017
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