Make the Most of your Swag. You know today gonna be ghetto, you make that ghetto fabulous. You woke up insane, you better work that insane! YOLO! You were doing o.k. and ran into someone who brought you down, you turn on your swag, awesome, craycray, insane shit and you seize it! You know your heads messed up but you are a nice person... Seize the Cray.
by CurlyGurl9000 April 20, 2016
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A wonderful Alex Werner-hating woman from South West Philadelphia
You know that Jessica Cray girl? She’s so nice!”
by Mckyp123 August 17, 2022
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Someone that is not entirely good but not entirely crazy either!cm
by It's_420_somewhere September 10, 2023
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It's a faster and shorter way of saying Life is Crazy.
I can't believe he did that gurl
I know gurl La Cray
by Fron Matuma November 15, 2012
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Cray to the Tré

It means very crazy, crazier than Cray cray. Tré as in “very” or tre as in “three” Cray cray cray. It has a double meaning.

Cray means “crazy”.
Tré is used as a prefix meaning “very”.
Tre is also used for the word three in music, as in “a tre” for three voices or “tre corde”(three strings) meaning three crays instead of two, more crays.
“Bruh, your gurl Cray to the Tré”
by el bees January 13, 2023
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When a girl seems normal and shy at first, but is totally crazy in the sack.
That Lizzie is quiet as hell but she's seriously sheet cray, into DP and everything!
by JJOC August 1, 2017
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