Can be fun and I am too insecure to admit I have no friends. I should go on my own but if anyone cares to join they are welcome.
Camping is a great way to sort differences.
by Barr8428 September 6, 2019
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The art of going into the wilderness to suck cock.

Something my mom likes to do almost every day
Mom: I'm going to go camping this weekend
Me: Yeah sure mom
by angrywaffle427 March 6, 2021
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Camping is basically when you sit in one spot for the entire fucking match. You’d usually see it in most Call of Duty games. Besides Ghost, fuck Call of Duty Ghosts. Or you’d see it in battle royal games like Fortnite, which is gay as fuck. Anyway camping is fucking gay and we all hate it. Like how are you gonna spend $30-$60 on a game, just fucking sitting in one spot. Just stop camping.
Guy 1: Bro I broke my PlayStation the other day.
Guy 2: How?
Guy 1: Some camping ass kid kept killing me.
Guy 2: Oh I fucking hate campers.
Guy 1: Right, what’s the point of camping?
by Pvt.McPickles February 19, 2020
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Staying in a specific vantage point to take the enemy by surprise/strategically delay their attack spelling in victory for the camper's team. It is extremely easy to get kills with this strategy. Thus making it normally frowned upon in most FPS games. Although, there are many exceptions, such as MilSims or siege based games.
Player1: Dammit, that fucking camper can't fight me like a man.

Player2: Camping is perfectly fine. It ain't that bad once you're behind the scope.

Player1: You clearly haven't been playing this game for more than two fucking minutes. That man has been camping this entire round, while you've been sitting at spawn doing jack-shit.
by Hecking Degenerate November 21, 2020
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Often used in video games to describe the act of sitting in a corner like a saddo waiting for an unsuspecting soul to walk in front of your line of fire.

A very cheap way for inexperienced players to get kills. A good alternative to practise and getting better at the game.
Guy 1: "Dude why is that idiot sitting in a corner to get kills?"
Guy 2: "He's camping, it's the only way he knows how to play."
Camper: "xDDD u so bAd at the game loL"
by ohforthreetooone June 1, 2019
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