When someone is buying bad stuff.
He just did the denis move!
Look, he just bought trash again, the typical denis move!
by Asotac May 18, 2019
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"A Shea move" is used to describe a situation in where someone has done something unlike themselves or "Out of place". This term was created in the start of July 2022. .
An example of this term is shown here. "Why would you do that, That was a Shea move you just did there"
by Prescavera July 30, 2022
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A d move is When someone invites you to something, but then does it without you. It is normalt known as a dick move or a douche move.
Josh invited me to go to the cinema, but then left without me!

Damn that’s such a D move of him
by A evil helper October 6, 2017
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when you check some punk ass motherfucker for coming up on your homies and do something like break his windshield with a heavy rock or beating the shit out of them senseless with your boys
Hey Adrian, i think its time to do a check in move on that piece of shit whos defending isaiah.
by raiderfan42069 June 1, 2023
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Jewish power move is a savy way to save money when you’re already wealthy.
She moved out of her second property to live with her mother & save. She called it a Jewish power move.
by Jade Taylor July 30, 2021
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