When a woman shoves a spherical object into her vagina or ass then cannon ball launches it into her significant others face
“Bro my teeth still hurt from that goose launcher becky shot at me last night”
by wooshoe August 6, 2020
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Outrageous outburst of cheese fires out of your dick like a gun
Fuck I was playing with my smeg launcher last night and it was fun
by Largejohnson69 December 30, 2021
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The act of sneezing while defacating, which forces out all matter instantly with high velocity.
Man 1"Man, I shot a Kentucky rocket launcher last night that gave me a hernia"

Man 2"That's deep"
by Thatoneguydan October 3, 2019
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Rocket is love(your girlfriend) which one day is going to launch(dont want u anymore) and then vanish(from your life) and then its time to find another rocket(girlfriend). Its a life cycle(whatever).
Me: Hey, how are u.
Friend: Not fine, my girlfriend abandoned me...
Me: Well, Love is like a rocket launcher, u know what i mean.
Friend: Yeah, ur right...
by Bernardo3636 February 14, 2019
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This is what happens when someone is trying to explain a "grenade launcher" And fails
"I have a gernade launcher" Others: "don't you mean grenade launcher?"
by Elite_winner May 11, 2018
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Translates roughly to “I have not felt a woman’s embrace in many months”
Friend 1: “launchers are the first category I got platinum” in the new call of duty

Friend 2: “Didn’t that game come out like a month ago? Touch some grass man.”
by GioPleaseTouchGrass December 7, 2022
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The latest project of the U.S.S.R army. It is believed to be the most powerful weapon to ever exist. Some say that it will be mankind's end.
(Person1) Yo dawg. I'm gonna join the army just to get access to the Silenced Guided Dildo Launcher.
(Person2) I've heard it even has a 4k camera!
by BlackJesusComesBack March 27, 2019
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