The act of putting you’re dick in a jar of peanut butter and then realizing that your dog is having an allergic reaction.
God damnit ross if you keep doing THE ROSS the dogs gonna die.”
by Bigisland April 3, 2023
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The act of putting marijuana in your anus and waiting till it dissolves to see if you get high
by DownyDevin October 23, 2017
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1. the act of repeatedly telling a story over again to people who have heard it before. could be mere moments after the original telling, or it could be weeks. it usually incites anger and annoyance, and people start to make fun of you.
C'mon brobro, I've heard you say that story about your ma's sweet tarts like a milliontimes, and so has everyone else here. Youre Rossing again dude, and its not cool.
by rickyrosaymofuckinbrozay January 26, 2016
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To pump gas and not pay! Any act of theft
"Did that kid pay for his gas?"
"Nope, it looks like he just rossed it."
"Jimbo is goin to be pissed!" "Call 5-0 I just got rossed
by DJ Dollar Bill February 12, 2007
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The act of wearing a shirt or jacket.

Open without an under shirt and stomach hanging out.
Jexclusive:" Is this man serious at the club Saturday Night..."

Frank:"Yeah he is.... just a jacket and gut hanging out..."

Jexclusive:"He Rossing Tonight Sh*t Looks Terrible"
by jexclusive813 December 26, 2013
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a hoe; someone who has been used by many, many times.
Keisha is a ross, she fucked bob, sal, reg and ronny.
by KEIANDRA January 19, 2007
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