referring to a male or female who is quite attractive or just has a really fine ass.
Derick is my Nom Nom.
by wudupyo11 December 10, 2008
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There is only 2 nom noms in this world they are meant to be together forever.
I want to "nom nom " you my little nom.
by Lakdjneoant October 5, 2022
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One of the most iconic group chats of all time. Many people have asked to been added however, it is a very exclusive friend group and you have to be friends with everyone in it before being added. The people included in this group chat include, Emily, Cameron, Valentina, Sofia, Wyatt, Ryan, Storm, and our newest inductee, Luke.
Hey, who are you texting and why are they blowing up your phone?

Oh it’s just my groupchat, nom nom bitch.
by Chaminade gals October 31, 2017
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First person: *Om nom noms* leaf cupcake.

Second person: "Did you see how Aki was om nom noming that leaf cupcake!"

"Om nom noms" is the present progressive of "to nom" which means "to eat with enthusiasm." Therefore, "om nom noms" means "eating with enthusiasm".
by OneMultipleCode June 27, 2013
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