someone who people named Lake simp for
Connor: Dude, you’re such a simp for Laurel
Lake: Lmao I know
by UrbitchDicktionary November 12, 2020
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This is an audio illusion. Which went viral after a post on reddit. The scientific explanation is that if you hear the frequency ”yanny” you are likely to be a pussy ass nigga. On the other hand if you hear the frequency “laurel” you are likely to have a 10 inch+ penis.
Have you seen that “yanny vs laurelpost?
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The Littiest, Nicest Funnest, dirtiest yet somewhat funky smelling residence hall at Texas State University. It houses the honors kids which should mean smart kids but it houses all the homos and the depressed white kids
Becky: What Hall Do You Live in?
Becky: Are you gay or depressed?
Dalton: No I'm just smart
by luvtoeatiggiestoes September 24, 2018
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Using the actions/mentality of "The Boys" as role models for ordinary daily living and/or social behavior, causing you to frequently make preposterous blunders that create chaos/humiliation to both yourself and any other unsuspecting unfortunates who happen to currently be in your general vicinity.
I don't get it --- I clearly explain to people about my Laurel and Hardy reasoning whenever they object/protest about my choices of everyday actions, but they always just roll their eyes at my innocent "Well, that's how 'The Duo' always performed this type of task in their films" excuse.
by QuacksO January 26, 2018
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Laurel middle school is full of great black people the school is fun but people there love too fight , but there are some fine boys and girls there !!!
I would love to go to Laurel Middle School (LMS)
by malaysiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa January 17, 2023
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Is a character in the show Arrow on CW. The main character Oliver Queen dates her before running off on a Yacht with her sister Sara. They are assumed dead when the yacht goes down in a storm. five years later Oliver is found alive and bring him back home. his father had killed himself to save Oliver and had begged Oliver to write his wrongs (he was a millionaire) and Oliver becomes the Arrow. Laurel then decides to join Oliver on his mission and becomes the Canarie.
Hey look its Laurel Lance the Hero of Star city, the canarie.
by Cale1 February 25, 2020
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