A threesome with two guys and a girl, where one guy is hitting it from behind, and the other guy is getting a blow job on a four wheeler. The guys are high-fiving over the girl to make the eiffel tower shape.
Hey MB, we done just red neck eiffel towered that there girl.
by fuckface mc douche May 18, 2008
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A sexual act involving one Male and two females, wherein the two females wear strap-ons, penetrating the Male via the anus and mouth. The tower is completed when the female participants touch hands, palm to palm, high in the air, making the Male the 'bridge'between them.
I never thought I'd be the bridge in an empowerment Eiffel Tower, but I can't wait to fo out again.
by Rockerton January 2, 2021
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Bb, my best friend ever and it will stay that way 🔫
I love ram sm and I trust them with my life :
Been with them for almost a year and rams never left my side.
Love you so much bb <33
“Eiffel Tower country, my beloved /p”
“Wanna play Minecraft bb?”
by Crow_1899 July 22, 2021
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Noun and verb.

When both your manager and client fuck you over at the same time.

They’re Eiffel Towering you, like the sex position in a threesome, but not in the good way.

Ex. Manager assigns last minute work and client hasn’t sent over what you asked for two weeks ago
by corporate brand whore October 30, 2023
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It's like the Eiffel Tower but in Crunch land.
by CrunchayMaster123 July 19, 2023
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