Cheese that tastes disgusting, as if a bee produced it.
"When I had that burger I swear it tasted like Bee Cheese instead of the Swiss Cheese I asked for"

"Bee Cheese? That's fucking disgusting"
by Urchxnn January 29, 2021
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Hey bro! You wanna go get half price apps at The Bees?
by yohoho69 February 8, 2020
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A constellation. You look up in the sky, and all those sparkly dots are The Bees. I made astrology.
"Wow, The Bees look beautiful tonight!"
by Purple_Tea_Kitty December 17, 2020
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That man is chirpin bees about you
by 99Pr0bs February 16, 2018
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my mom beat me with a slipper when i told her i got bees and seas
by helhoot August 11, 2022
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A Salma Bee is an amazing and gorgeous person and friend, and in general just a human we all want to be.
Wow! I wanna be a Salma Bee - Sulafah
by Beeeeeeeeee12345678910 November 4, 2021
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bee is a female name and has a latin origin. it's a shortened version of other popular girl names like beatrice and beatrix. bee usually means "bringer of joy" but is sometimes translated to "voyager", which means a person whi makes a long journey, often by ship or boat to an unknown area.
the name bee is very rare, even though it's so pretty, so if you ever meet a bee, keep them close because it probably won't happened again and they usually are very nice.
they usually have a big heart and even bigger personalities. they might be sensitive and easy irritable but they will always come around and laugh about it. make you blush. you will never meet anyone like a person named bee, no one can live up their hearts, that are always in the right place.
you might fall in love with them, and if you do, go for it, because a person named bee is always up for new adventures.
person 1: dude i meet this chick bee (name), she was amazing and i wish i could just see her again.
person 2: that's usually how it is with people named bee. hard to find, but worth the work.
by finn the manly man April 17, 2023
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