To drink large amounts of water before going to bed in order to avoid a hangover.
I am going to stuff the goose so I don't feel so shitty tomorrow.
by Andrew Graham March 6, 2007
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The act of getting fucked up. Be it THC abuse or by taking shots of Sunny Brook, the curse of the goose is upon you.
Man, i got so goose cursed last night i took my horn out and played it.
by Dr. Goose "Goosey" Cursed November 20, 2010
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Goose necker is a chick that bobs her head when talking due to the over use of her favorite night hobby. Mostly ghetto trash dope users. These are the most used tools in the street game when setting someone up to get jacked or murdered. Watch out for this goose necker she is a trap.
by Lucdog September 19, 2018
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Hot gossip the inside information also know as the J G's.
I have the juicy goose on Kim K.
by ashcash16 October 23, 2015
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When you have accidentally ejaculated inside of your girlfriend.
As Johnny and I started to have sex for the first time, not even three minutes went by and he stopped then looked at me and said "I shot the goose."
by cedmondsuek October 5, 2010
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