A person who follows rules and most likely has long pubes. Not to be confused with a Pukey Pube Pusher
All that virgin does is follows the rules, she's definitely a Long Haired Square.
by dan_gleewang January 4, 2021
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two brothers who will most probably f*ck you up in the gym… but you’ll thank them for it afterwards 💪🏻
You’re walking like John Wayne, you’ve been allott squared mate!
by fistbumpclub November 23, 2021
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A retard who cant keep promises and trys to act like he or she has clout usually a she, they also look like cartman from south park when he went to the special olympics
by ___—— September 22, 2018
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One girl likes one guy but she’s dating a guy, she does like that guy but it’s just two boys ugh. One can’t know and the other has to. And then there’s another one flirting with you. ITS LIKE WHAT THE?!?!
I love him, but I’m dating him, and this random dude is flirting with me, I’m in a love square.
by Fhejsjejtncjfj May 19, 2019
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An individual that is a crackhead and hangs out with other crackheads to do crackheaded activities.
Roman is really a crackhead squared. He is a crackhead and hangs out with fellow crackheads.
by Someone intelligent November 27, 2017
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Four guys or gals, two laying on their bellys two on their backs alternating in a square pattern, all while giving and receiving blowjobs.
Wow those four harley riders look like they love the forbidden square.
by Idiot#43 July 23, 2022
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This Syndicate founded in October 2022 in Savannah, GA in the unanimously voted best Square in the city, Washington Square. The first of its kind, a socially democratic syndicate that is not to be challenged or messed with. The Syndicate initially formed as an unorganized gang, and as their numbers and muscle grew, they’ve become an elite group of organized rabble rousers that seem to grow stronger by the day. Rumors have flew around Savannah since establishment, every one worse than the one before. Although one thing seems to be known, your pets are safe with the Washington Square Syndicate, you on the other hand… (dun dun dun)

While in its early days, the Syndicate is something this country has never seen before; potentially starting a movement of organized mobsters we haven’t seen since the early days of the Italian Mob.

If you are in Savannah, watch your back. If you end up near Washington Square: pray.
The Washington Square Syndicate is not to be messed with.
by Washington Square Syndicate October 8, 2022
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