What you say when a girl does something that is countering you, arguing for the sake of arguing, or just something insane
Guy: Don't pre-order a game
Girl: But it's soul calibur
Guy: Not a reason
Girl: You're not a reason
Guy: Lily why
by Alexander Ham January 14, 2018
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Here, for you buddy :)
Why 5 sounds like Wi-fi, and he's a cool guy. Trust me, it all rhymes.
by Bertholder June 21, 2021
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A typical question someone asks when your hands have a moisture or liquid on them
No Why are your hands wet” “What do you mean” “Your hands are wet
by StreakZus Christ May 18, 2023
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A phrase people use when they don't like that they have to do something and not someone else.
I have jury duty? why me not you?
by realwordmaker24 December 1, 2018
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Knocking can be used as a very versatile word. It could mean joking, failing, messing around, fucking, etc. Meaning is up to context of the conversation.
you look like an idiot, why you knocking?”
“bitch, are you knocking that guy?”
“girl you have to be knocking right now”
by theerector October 20, 2022
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Satan was too busy with his Rust wipe, that’s why hell froze over.
by Cash_Mohney October 12, 2023
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