I told my dog yes continue eating that chocolate
by Am chunk October 15, 2020
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Example 1
Person 1: Milk is holy
Person 2: yes
Example 2
Person 1: These examples suck
Person 2: yes
by master Yoda October 28, 2020
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Example 1
Person 1: Milk is a drug
Person 2: Yes
Example 2
Peson 1: My dad died yesterday
Person 2: Yes
by master Yoda October 28, 2020
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"No not all all."
by The Mr.5 June 4, 2016
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This is what you say when you want to say no but you are too nice.
Kyle: Hey! Willy you go out with me?

Sophie: Yes.
by Mommy Milkerz April 7, 2022
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a word to say when you disagree with ones question
Zach: are you gay

Phillp: yes
by A_Communist69 March 28, 2022
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