We are way better then the Yankees..yea we have yankee suck t-shirts and yankee toliet paper but yankee fans have red sux t-shirts nd crap like that too…if we lose we sill believe in our team, we don turn our backs on them..we cheer like crazii even if we are losing..yea soo yankeesz won alo of times but do they really care for dere team and does their teammates care for each other? Obviously we care for our team and you can tell theirs a bond wi the teammates…nd plus Yankees use steroids…nd yea this year is ours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soo hatersz fall way dha fuck back! Ps coco crisp name is Covelli not codavliwho ever wrote that
yanks fan:yankees lose damn hey lost again..fuck dem

red sox fan:red sox lose its alrigh..we can get em back..wooh..keep ya heads up
by ASK BOUT iiT July 27, 2007
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baseball team based in boston ,best team in america. another ring for boston baby 2007 champs. how bout them apples yankees, where's ur coach at now n a-rod is leaving fuck you. who' ur papi
red sox are down 3-0 in '04 alcs to the yankees
come back n win 4 straight games against the yankees
then win world series in '04
then in '07 sweep angels in alds(3-0) then come back n beat indians in alcs(4-3) then sweep the rockies in w.s.(4-0)
by fred flinttstone October 29, 2007
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The Sawx are not merely just a team, they are an entity. Locked in an eternal battle with the Evil Empire from New York, the Red Sox have recently gained the upper hand on their nemesi. You know, what with winning two World Series in the past four seasons. And oh yeah, they did pull off the biggest comeback in sports history. The Yankees are a choking hazard and their fans seem only able to recall past baseball prowess. Said fans also say that the Red Sox suck because they've only won seven World Series, but the Red Sox have won the third most championships of any team in the MLB.

Oh yeah, and they won the division this year.
Red Sox fan: Dude, the Sawx are totally wickahd. They won the Series this yeyah.
Yankees fan: Oh yeah? Well, the Yankers won it in 2000. So the Red Sox suck.
Red Sox fan: Well, who won the last one? Bitching.
by hayguys November 1, 2007
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The worst team in the major leagues consiting of fat asses and horrible players. There colors are red and gay. The only reason they win is because people feel bad for them because they are so bad they only win twice every 80 years. Only faggets like the Red Sox.

1.I hope the Red Sox get into a plane crash in the middle of boston and all die.

2.Vatsal and Hector are gay for liking the Red Sox.

3.Im gay, my faviorite team is the Red Sox.
by Pat Fagan April 23, 2008
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Biggest chokers in MLB history. A team that blows a 9 1/2 game lead in a month to lose to the orioles in the last game of the season to miss the playoffs.
"Oh man, did you see Carl miss that catch?" "Yeah, he should play for the Red Sox"
by RaysFan91 September 29, 2011
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Established in late October of 2004. Most members of the RSN are actually refugees from Yankee Nation, which hasnt won a championship since the beginning of the decade.

Most of the members of RSN are bandwagon fans. They will try to impress you with some story about how they visited Boston as a child and fell in love with the team. Don't buy it. The Red Sox sucked in the 90's, but they wouldnt know it. Half of the members of RSN couldn't give you the everyday starting line up if they tried.

Citizens of RSN frequently:
1. Wear off color team gear such as green or pink. Real fans only wear team colors.
2. Lack of any knowledge of Red Sox history prior to 2004.
3. Have never visited Boston.
4. Are suprised when they find out that they can attend a game without a passport.
5. Are confused when Tim Wakefield has to bat in Philadelphia.
(first baseman misses a routine ground ball through his legs)
Oriole Fan: Man, he really Bucknered that one didn't he?
RSN: What the hell are you talking about?

Oriole Fan 1: Whats that guys problem?
Oriole Fan 2: Ah dont mind him. Just another toolbag member of Red Sox Nation.
by Mr. Boh July 11, 2009
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A drunken Irish dipshit from Boston. Commonly found in bars, Charlestown, and jail cells. Hate the Yankees because they're "rich douches" (TRANSLATION: Wealthy due to winninng) and "they suck" (TRANSLATION: Win a lot and piss off Sox fans who are of course poor). Being one of these is as gratifying as being a shit taken by a giraffe. If the Sox lose, they fuck up everything in their path. If the Sox win, they fuck up everything in their path. Quite simply, they're violent wife-beaters, but can be better described as drunk, violent, retarded, pathetic, poor, dirty, uneducated, and the guys who got the short end of the stick.
Random Guy:"Hey dude the Yankees just won their 27th World Series!"

Red Sox Fan: "FUCK YOU! FUCK THE YANKEES! THEY'RE LOSERS WHO ARE RICH CUZ THEY EARN MORE THAN MY ANNUAL $5,000! Excuse me while I drink and beat a guy to death."
by Sox Fans Dont Pass Junior High November 29, 2010
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