The name of a really beautiful girl
She’s really nice and is probably a weeb

She’s also really fucking sexy
Oh look it’s Zi Jing, wow she’s so beautiful
by RoshiTheIdiot January 8, 2021
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peng jing is mostly girls

A peng jing is lovely, kind, smart cute, sometimes a dumbfuck when being around with her loved one and with high expectations with birthday gifts and all sorts of celebration days

A peng jing is suitable to be with a wilson if a peng jing and a Wilson are together then it means forever love

If you found yourself a peng jing you should appreciate her
Dude A: ayyy I've found myself a peng jing bro!

Dude B: damn you're so lucky! You should appreciate her .
by Randomfukboi99 January 5, 2018
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1. Julie was so turned on by the size of Brandon's jing-jang.

2. Danielle stood naked in front of Chris, the inside of her jing-jang getting moist.

3. Joe and Theresa jing-janged all night long.
by Gigi Coker April 30, 2018
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when somebody tricks you into doing something you weren't smart enough to process.
dad: Hey! Do you want to trade chores? I'll do yours and you do mine!

daughter: What chores do you have?

dad: Idk what chores DO i have?

daughter: you're trying to trick me smh
*an hour later*
mom: daughter do all the dishes by yourself!

daughter: WHAT??!!

dad: lets shake hands😈

daughter: OK!

dad:haha get jing-juggled bitch!! now you have to pick up dog shit outside

daughter: ahhh😔
by I like hoetdogs February 24, 2021
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