getting an STD from a one night stand with someone 50+
"Dude! Last night i got a deet/do/dot/do/deet/do with my mom!!"
by sthprkrcksss January 10, 2009
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To do something, anything. The phrasing is intended to be as vague as possible.
Usually used within the context of "the thing I/We need to do".
It's past lunch, if I don't do the do now I'll regret it later.

The car's outside. Shall we do the do?
by August 9, 2023
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To juke somebody; take ones ankles
Do si do'ing that nigga, u gon have to see me
by ValidatedCorn January 31, 2022
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when people talk past tense about something that happen(s/ed) and repeat the word 'do' in a sentence and automatically you think of poop. if you just said do once the sentence would mean exactly the same thing and may even need fewer words but by adding a do to a do it makes the focus on poo which is a specific thing to do, do you think? so it's ok to giggle or laugh or offer a tissue when someone talks and says do do
i know you say you dont eat poop but you do do that -vs - i know you say you don't eat poop but you do
by urbandodo January 19, 2020
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Something that is permitted/encouraged.

The opposite of a no-no.

Usually used in plural form (do-do's).
Here is a list of all the do-do's in the park:

1. Have fun
2. Respect your peers
3. Clean up after yourself
4. Etc
by wordsmith91 September 14, 2020
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Why do you do- why do you take part it doing any type of actions. Why do you do things?

Person: i stole my neighbor's catto
Me: why do u do.
by Imlildurk2x June 23, 2018
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