A Roadman is a type of person that often carries a knife. Janushan Suresh 9CEP is a type of Roadman.
These year 7's are all such a roadman.
by WaaWaabby22 May 4, 2022
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a stupid guy who shanks people up left there mothers and acts all inocent for killing people.
im a roadman i like to shank people
by roadman jimmy May 2, 2019
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An chav's cousin.

Vapes and tries to act cool while looking like an 70-year-old grandpa who's wearing all black.

Usually doesn't have 'bitches'. (also known as girls.)
That's a roadman, he carries a knife and will kill anyone who gets in his way. He vapes and also tries to act cool. Weird person overall.
by britishbitchis April 8, 2023
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guy 1 : omg its a machete man
guy 2 : whats a machete man
guy 1: are u fucking dumb
guy: points at roadman
by albert einstein v.8 October 6, 2021
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A roadman is a boy who dresses head to toe in clothes from adidas, nike ect.

They often roam around in groups of 4 or more.

They are very immature boys

They will always have a electric scooter with them
Girl one: Omg thereโ€™s a roadman over there

Girl two: omg heโ€™s sooo leng

Girl one: nah heโ€™s a propper little rat
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A person,typically male, from the uk who wears tracksuits, puffer jackets (no matter what the weather is) and has a man bag. They will normally act hard and may carry weapons. Their favourite drink is a 25p energy drink and they hang out in small gangs terrorizing innocent people either by a local shop, by McDonald's or in the local park.
Wow look at that roadman and his crew trying to be hard
by Your local DICKtionary January 5, 2020
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