A cigerette in england
they're absically the same, just faggier
1. I just sucked a fag
2. Do you have a fag on you?
3. God, I love fags
by k-dizzle February 28, 2005
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1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly assosiated with Harley riders

2. A person that owns or frequently rides a Harley
That fag's bike is loud
by JonnyStax November 10, 2009
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Fag (Fäg) N. 1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person, most commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.

Disambiguation :
It is not NECESSARILY a homosexual person. A fag can be gay, but a gay is not necessarily fag.
''Sorry, can you repeat ? A bunch of fags just came by on their Harley and I didn't make out any words you've said. God, what are those fags trying to prove ?''

''We rolled in, kicked ass and took shit over ! Is that what a fag does ?
- Yeah, totally, you're total fags !''
by papa bongo November 6, 2009
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1 An extremely annoying, inconsideate person mostcommonly associated with harley riders.

2 A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.
^^^South Park^^^

season 13 - episode 12
"The F Word"

F stands for Fag :P
by Not Christopher Not November 9, 2009
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Brit #1: Oi, mate, let's go suck a fag.
Brit #2: OK! and then we'll smoke some cigarettes.
by Dude of Life May 14, 2008
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Fag (făg) n 1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.
2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.
Kyle: "You're at a red light trying to turn left, and the light turns yellow. It should be your turn, right? But the traffic keeps coming, and it stop stops you from making your left turn. Finally the light turns red, but someone in a BMW speeds by, running the red light, and stopping you again from making your left turn. What goes through your mind?"

Judge: "Fag..."

Randy: "Fags"

Harley rider: "Kids out there, when you see us, walk up to us & say hello, fags. No really, we want you to. At least we're cool enough to embrase who we are."

Harley rider: "Come on fags, lets roll out!"
by aal22 November 7, 2009
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1. Someone who rides a big loud Harley and goes up and down the streets ruining everyones good time.

2. Annoying inconsiderate Harley riders.
Other Related Term:

Bike-Curious (pronounced bi-curious)
A straight man who doesnt own a harley but likes them and might buy one some day

Not to confuse with fag reffering to homosexuals or gay.
Jack: Gosh those damn fags keep waking me up at night!
Bill: Yea a bunch of fags were driving next to me in the highway while i was in a call... gosh i hate those fags!
by Phiber_Optik November 8, 2009
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