A really big clip used put in the back of your hair, and it looks like you aren't even using a clip.
"mann, i really need a new esther clip, mine broke yesterday"
by shanz May 19, 2007
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A bitch who thinks she's cute, but fat in the middle and looks like she skipped leg day. Usually has ratty hair with an obvious peroxide dye job, which you can tell she did herself. Smells like animal waste, only cooks box meals, and her teeth look like she can eat a cob of corn through a picket fence. Usually accompanied by a tall skinny 40-something guy who's only with her because he is tired of living with his mom. Little does he know, she's homeless and uses people for places to stay, claiming their home as her own. Both she and aforementioned guy are serial cheaters, catching multiple STDs and spreading them because neither know what a condom is.

Esther Lean is always sterile and tends to fake positive pregnancy tests out of desperation because normally guys don't give her the time of day due to her serious lack of hygiene.

She has like, maybe two friends total, and they're both imaginary.
Unemployed, and usually found sleeping on other people's couches. Has absolutely no desire to change that situation whatsoever.
Wow, that bitch is on that Esther Lean!
by IamDaBullGod May 27, 2020
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A day celebrating those named "Esther". Friends of an Esther shall shower Esther with multiple gifts namely thoughtful ones. See Love and Affection.
Dang, tomorrow is Esther Appreciation Day, i hope Esther likes the Tiffany necklace I bought her.
by YourFellowCitizenn July 10, 2014
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Esther malka pion means that if you meet her you will either fall in love with her or be really lucky to see her face.
Him: “I love emp so much I love serving her in all her needs and giving her everything her heart desires”
Her: “I wish I was an emp she is so beautiful and everyone wants her”

Emp: “ serve me peasants!!”
by her servant November 24, 2021
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To form an approximate judgment or opinion regarding the amount of instances in which one has had sex with an elderly woman.
Dude, I'm esther-mating earl fucked the shit out of , maybe, three oldies.
by Matthew James Harper August 24, 2007
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Similar to such names as Amanda Hugnkiss and Mike Hunt. Sounds like 's'ed her pants
"Attention QFC customers would Esther Pants please report to customer service. Esther Pants to customer service please"
by Bing Crosby beat his kids November 8, 2007
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to get told to Áñ by jon
esther: haha i defined my self in urban dictionary!
jon: really? *reads "to be excellent in everything"
esther: haha
jon: Áñ
by Á¾ ¾î ´Ï April 19, 2005
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