When oneself/someone is taking every single drug 'under the sun' to reach the ultimate hallucination
Man I got fucked up last night. I took everything man, I was on a one way ticket to destination hallucination
by Jack all mighty Parker November 20, 2016
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To kill someone by means of something falling off of your vehicle
This pitchfork i had strapped to my truck fell off and ended up Final Destinationing the motorcycle rider behind me.
by O. Lloyd August 28, 2022
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And what's that? Simply the coolest hub of all things fun, shopping and food.
"I am way too stressed. Heading to the Happyness Destination to recharge."
by such-a-day it was November 24, 2021
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Getting someone to agree to go somewhere with you, and then going to a different destination, threatening to leave them at said destination if they do not provide sexual stimulation
Person 1: "yeah man I said I would take her home and then we went to the beach, she blew me for a ride home hahaha"
Person 2: "Dude that's destination rape"
by Sr. Frederick September 3, 2023
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A slampiece in a remote destination, that one travels to to hook up with, or hooks up with every time he or she is visiting that location
"Kari has a destination slam in every state in Brazil. She stays with one of them every year during Carnaval"

"I'm Chris's NYC destination slam"
by Smart Laxer October 4, 2017
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A disease suffered by males. Symptoms of this is laziness or not doing their responsibilities due to a female.
1) Destinitis - Spending less time with the boys

2) Destinitis - Skipping runs

3) Destinitis - Overall avoiding contact with anyone besides a female
by CureDestinitis February 6, 2022
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When you skip your responsibilities due to laziness or a female that requires all of your time. This is typically a long term ordeal.
1) Ayo why’d you skip that long run, do you have destinitis?

2) Boys I think i’m down with the symptoms of destinitus.
by CureDestinitis February 6, 2022
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