She's tiny and cute but has a tendency of slapping people when she finds them funny. She's insanely short but it makes her all the more adorable and not look her age at all. Don't mess with a Danielle because she will remember it forever and hold it against you.
"That girl is so small and cute.."
"She's a Danielle."
by ryaryar August 4, 2013
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A queen of the planets especially jupiter with dat ass! This girl is a good friend but one crazy ass mofo if you mess with her! shes good to her friends and likes to eat various cheese...yum yum. This girl weighs 36 stones and has a whole chicken a day, everyone loves her hearty appetite! If you see a danielle grab you straight razors cause this girl on some whole other shit!
by acey123 December 13, 2012
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A girl who things she is all that, when really, everyone hates her. Usually loud, annoying, outgoing girl who tries to hard to get friends because she doesn't have any.
Me:(At the bar) Do you hear that girl like screaming over there?
Friend: Ugh, yea she is probably a danielle.
Me: Dude! You are probably right!
by Austin84 November 27, 2011
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To Danielle is to randomly pass out for no apparent reason. Even doctor's can't figure out why one Danielle's.
Rohaan : it was so weird last night, I was just walking then out of the blue, I just Danielle'd!

Jacob : WHAAAAAT? Bro, you never Danielle like?

Rohaan : I know, it was peculiar.
by The_Rohbot November 13, 2012
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Danielle is one the most beautiful, perfect, adoring, sweetest, hottest mother fucking bitch you will ever meet!! She lights up every room with her radiant smile and her reallyyyyy funny innuendos make everybody cackle. She's always there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on or someone to just be there. She's one of the best people you could ever know and you should never lose her. Even though she doesn't think she' all that, she truly is and you should never let your Danielle forget that. And can we just talk about how hot she is?! even though might not notice it, she has guys from everywhere drooling and acting like animals when they only get a glance. If you are dating a Danielle, consider yourself lucky and care for her because she is such an amazing person
EK: damnnnn you're girl's looking fine
RJ: Ik, I don't know how I got lucky with Danielle
by hey,ilikeyou April 1, 2018
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Danielle is that girl which all the boys want. She's constantly being catcalled while walking around lewisham. All the girls want to be friends with her cause she's got such a lovely personality and cracks the best jokes. You always have bare bants when your with danielle but she's always at netball so you never really get a chance to properly hang out with her. At lunch you'll catch her at athletics club cause she claims that that's how she maintains her bikini body. She gets detentions with Mrs meader very often as she's quite sassy and talks back but everyone always sticks up for her cause she's such a nice friend. Occasionally she forgets to do her homework but the teachers let her off cause she's an amazing student. At times her skirts a bit to short but nobody really notices because they are dazzled by her long toned legs.Her smile lights up the room and all her acquaintances are blessed to have met her.
Boy 1: Damn who’s that peng ting
Boy 2: She lookin fine af
Boy 3: She must be danielle
by D1n2e3l4 October 15, 2017
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