I just watched Star Wars Battlefront 2 Geonosis Official Trailer and it was epic.
by dibon54 November 21, 2018
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When said, it is a way to express how cringe you are as quickly as possible. Only the lowest form of human will use this word.
Troglodyte: Man, today was epic!

Normal human being: …
by Modern Troglodyte March 1, 2022
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This word was originally overused by kids, now turned into ironic words used by the intellectuals.
Guy 1: oh hey i won the lottery!
Guy 2: lmao that's fucking epic
by btcmr123 June 13, 2019
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Epic is used when someone is describing another human or potentially a game, they probably watch Albertstuff/ Falmingo and are 8 yrogirls who make Albert edits and post them on tiktok (probably)
“Wow now that’s EPIC!”
“Dude your dog is so epic.”
“Your hairstyle is epic!!”
by Le anonymous yes? October 29, 2019
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I swear if you thought I was going to write "games" as the definition then get a life. Um, and I guess the definition can be: cooler than cool
Bob: Yo did you play that EPIC GAME?
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