When you use holy water for your bong water and take a fat rip.
Did you see Jason take that holy bong rip?
by June 23, 2021
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Bong Hits for Jesus is an American rock band. Taking its eye-brow raising name from a landmark Supreme Court free speech case, Bong Hits For Jesus is all about peoples' First Amendment rights, artistic freedom and expression, legalization, and having an all around good time.
Did you see Bong Hits For Jesus open for Cypress Hill? They were smoking!
by Kung Ku Lou December 7, 2020
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a person who hits a bong so hard that the water sound is TOO LOUD to bear. a man that sits around in his house, complaining about everyone else and all the while should look in the mirror. usually a very overweight guy.
"mark is being an angry bong"

"what do you mean?"
"he is complaining about everyone else and making loud bong sounds"
by debidarlin May 28, 2019
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A sexual act where the man packs a bowl of BC bud in the girls anal cavity. Keeping his lips fixated on her coochie, he burns the bud thoroughly. He then pulls out the butt plug bowl full of BC bud and inhales the smoke through her coochie and blows it into her mouth.
"Brad texted me asking to try the BC coochie bong, I had no idea what it was so I agreed. HOLY SHIT it was amazing though talk about pineapple express"
by tomkinahan June 12, 2020
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