A idiot on the road that is slow when in front of you, but when you try to pass him he immediately speeds up. The reason behind this is they are unable to find a flow of traffic without another to do it for him/her.
I was on the road and tried to pass someone, but this speed changer decided it would be great to speed up and block me.
by Irish potato August 14, 2014
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george's weird ass voice saying that in an instagram video.
"bulleting speed"
"hahahahahh bulleting speed"
by gracels September 23, 2019
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me: dont u get tired of sweating from adderal?
friend: yes i stink all the time and ac doesnt help shit
me: then try anti speed, u know like benzos, barbs, inhalants
friend: sure u got any barz?
by lilsamsixty9 May 31, 2021
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Sanic speed is a super fast something.
Person 1#: Damn, he has that sanik speed!
by Tehonanonlicliq March 1, 2017
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A speed runner is a person who normally can beat a game at a very fast time, and because of it become big headed sometimes and think they are the shit, and become a dick head.
Flippy_0: hey do you speed runner of the Super Mario 64
Paracusia: Ya dick head i can beat the game faster than you can get a girl
by jkfdnoen4o3nonfr June 21, 2016
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A speed runner is a person who normally can beat a game at a very fast time, and because of it become big headed sometimes and think they are the shit, and become a dick head.
Flippy: hey do you speed runner of the Super Mario 64
Paracusia: Ya dick head i can beat the game faster than you can get a girl
by jkfdnoen4o3nonfr June 21, 2016
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