Pointy/curly shoes. Doubly useful as they can also be used to avoid urinating on ones own shoes.
"manz, a luff galdm O's Piss Flickers sooo mujj!"
by SophieChar April 15, 2008
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when you have a shit and it is basically water coming out of your ass
'john did a hell of a bum piss'
by Mark9288 January 24, 2007
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There can be 4 meanings to the term piss off.
1. Yeah, totally. (Sarcasm)
2. Screw off, get lost.
3. To make someone mad/angry
4. A person whose job is to make people angry, a job done for pleasure.
1. "Yo, bro, I asked Megan out today. She said yes!"
"Piss off, you bitch"
2. "Who are you?"
"I'm James! You invited me to the jam!"
"Go piss off, I didn't invite you for shit."
3. "Hey, you shithead. You really pissed me off yesterday. It's time to pay."
4. "Greg, why are you being such a fucking piss off?"
by DefineModernShit November 5, 2014
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Descriptive of being exceedingly or disgracefully drunk.
Dave said, 'I had to drive to Southampton pissed as a cunt, had to drop a pill to sort my head out'
by Rickallisterpmeister May 31, 2006
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Unnecessary moaning (and sometimes necessary), whining, querulous talk, petty complaining, constant uttering of annoying stuff. Australians called the Brit's "Winging Poms" but it was bloody aweful in Oz with spiders, snakes and croc's....
Yes 'Piss and Moan' is about bitching, but not necessarily in an "annoying" way - some things NEED whining about or nothing actually annoying will ever get changed...such as bribes, cussing, spitting, life..........
by Daze Off April 30, 2009
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having to pee really bad
Dude, I gotta take a fat piss
by Bethany182rwj November 16, 2003
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