It's a human insult. It's devastating. You are devastated right now.
Michael: In the words of one of my actual friends, Ya Basic! It's a human insult. It's devastating. You are devastated right now.
by Agent Plug-N-Play July 25, 2021
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An overly generic or basic female that follows the majority of trends relevant to her peer group during a specific era, without injecting any originality into her existence. She often lacks the confidence needed to express herself independent of consensus from her peers even though these characteristics may not reflect her true self. A basic bitch takes the safe road rarely taking risks in fashion or other areas of interest. She may or may not view herself as unique; this often depends on her individual role within her social circle.

In 2015 a Basic Bitch can often be spotted wearing Victoria Secret yoga pants tucked into UGG boots or jeans with TOM'S slip-ons with an oversized sweater with an ironic print or design on it, topped with a Northface jacket. She stores her indispensable iphone in her oversize Coach bag along with her knockoff sunglasses and PRINCESS key-fob. She loves nail art as it totally compliments her Pandora bracelet and Tiffany Heart jewelry. She loves foursquare and Instagram and endlessly documents her every outing for Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino from Starbucks on her e-Card ridden Facebook. She loves quoting Marilyn Monroe even if the quotes are wrongly attributed, loves hearts, infinity symbols, dreamcatchers, bacon and mustaches. She knows the words to every song on the radio and would sacrifice her first born to spend one night with John Mayer. She drinks SkinnyGirl cocktails.
Following an intense shopping trip to Target two friends get separated.

Girl 1: "Wow! I thought something happened to you! "
Girl 2: "I couldn't find you either"
Girl 1: "OMG IKR?! EVERY girl looked exactly like you until they turned around"
Girl 2: "SAME!"
Girl 1: "UH The hassle of being Basic Bitches."
Girl 2: "# real-life lolz"
Girl 1: "Let's get Starbucks!"
Girl 2: "A-MAH-ZING idea"

A guy gets grilled about his new girlfriend.

Guy 1: "'re dating MADISON?"
GUY 1: "Is that Madison with the long Ombre hair and infinity tattoo OR Madison with the Ombre hair and birds on a wire tattoo? "
Guy 2: "NO BRO! Madison with the Ombre hair and the Dreamcatcher Tattoo. I met her at Booty Boot Camp."
Guy 1: "Oh. Well thank god it isn't Madison with the Ombre hair and the Anchor tattoo lmao."
Guy 2: "Seriously! I introduced her to my parents last weekend. "
Guy 1: "Wow. What did they think? "
Guy 2: "They were just so happy that she was a Basic Bitch. "
Guy 1: "I bet they were! "
Guy 2: "What should i get get for her birthday? "
Guy 1: "A Pandora bracelet BRO. Totally original, classic. "
Guy 2: "YOU sure do know a lot about Basic Bitches!"
Guy 1: "Thank you! Let's get Starbucks. "
Guy 2: "DUDE, YES!"
GUY 1: "You
by AmericanOCD138 February 20, 2015
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A female who's favorite filter is the snapchat puppy dog filter

Takes pictures of everything she eats and uploads it to Instagram
Wears Uggs and North Face everyday of the year
Is obsessed with famous pop artists
Always has a Starbucks cup in her hand
Will fuck you over for a pack of cigarettes

Has no personality
Basically someone you don't want to associate with
"Is Becky coming to the barbecue?"
"I uninvited her, she has puppy dog ears in her profile pic, she's a basic bitch."
by Troll22 May 6, 2016
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A girl (usually) who does things that she thinks makes her so unique or edgy but in all honesty are what all other basic bitches do, as well. Basic bitches often enjoy Gucci, Louis Vutton, scented candles (usually from Bath & Body Works), if still in school basic bitches might also have a large collection of Bath & Body Works hand sanitizers that they attach to all the bags that they own. They often order Caramel Frappucinos with extra caramel and whipped cream at Starbucks, the only 'coffee shop' that they even know exists.
Basic Bitch talking on a white iPhone with an obnoxious case: Hi girl! Did you see the latest episode of PLL (Pretty Little Liars) OMG it was, like, SOOOO juicy! I just got ALL of the new Bath & Body Works candles! I think my fav is the 'Summer Peachy Fun-Time Beach' one, I posted a pic of it on instagram? Wait... did you like it yet? I really want to get, like, thirty likes on it, at least. I just want people to know how cool an edgy I am! I mean, I have a tumblr! How edgier can I get, right?
by Chicken McNigga September 1, 2014
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a basic white girl or any really basic girl in general

says things like "tea" "sister" "high key"
Allison: "Theresa is such a basic bette."
Tasha: "How so?"
Allison: "She loves pumpkin spice lattes, always posts pictures of her dog, and says 'tea' every 2 seconds."
Tasha: "Wow, she really is a basic bette."
by squacoon November 4, 2018
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The combination of a basic bitch and a thot. The worst kind of girl. Any bro caught speaking to a basic thot should be shunned and or executed.
Bro1: bro I hooked up with that girl last weekend.

Bro2: dude that girl is a basic thot. Now I have to kill you. You know we don't love no thotties.
by bgeorge February 9, 2014
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A basic bitch is a girl who claims to enjoy selfies, beaches, starbucks, flannels, boots, and any other thing considered basic. Selfies with starbucks. Selfies at the beach. Or just being a basic bitch by thinking you are hot shit, when really. No one gives a fuck what you do or what you take selfies of and or with.
Madi K. Is a basic bitch for claiming that the beach is her home.
by Bugzzz December 22, 2014
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