A person who is more like a career-oriented or a goal-oriented towards business and any entrepreneurial form of activities.
After graduation, you could see how determined and business centered person he is.
by Cee Havens July 24, 2016
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When you have had a very busy and long day , so you describe yourself as Business-ey

(No I am not doing this because a friend told me that this word doesn't exist lol)
person1 - how was your day?
Person2 - i was very busy and had to do a lot actually, I felt quite business-ey
by Beanerweanerrrrrr June 14, 2023
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(n) An 'ur busy' is a friend with benefits, whom you can call at any time and ask to 'hook up', starting with 'ur busy?', hence, an 'ur busy'.
- Hey, baby! Ur busy?

- I called my 'ur busy' last night.
- And?
- I went to her place and we did it. It's nice to have an 'ur busy' these days...
by eyesonly October 15, 2005
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Used to forgo any personal responsibility regarding matters for which one does not feel responsible that are otherwise your business such as paying your bills or the contents of your fridge. Made popular by Christian Na of Pittsburgh.
by No I don’t want one April 20, 2021
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Did My Business All Out refers to crapping. It actually means when you just shat for any time period of over 20 minutes. “All out” in the definition will refer to the contents of your bowels or as in “going all out,” in which would indicate went all out shitting ffs.

Chill back YOU DIRTY ASSHOLE I just DID MY BUSINESS ALL OUT!!! I’m not trynna shit-chat ass-open with you bro!!”
by Treebonics June 30, 2018
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Taking enough psychedelics to have a good time while still passing as a professional.
“I’m gonna drop acid at the company party, but just enough to be business trippin.”
by Kanman3000 November 11, 2022
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Johnny was playing with his phone in the bathroom. His girlfriend knocks on the door. "Hurry up, Johnny! Finish your business! I'm dying to go!"
by Space Quest January 7, 2017
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