a team that went on an 86 year drought to win the world series...the yankees may have blown a 3-0 lead but they still own the red sox...the red sox got lucky in that seires and they kno it...i think the red sox sucked more in the ALCS than the yankees considering they were 3 outs away from gettin swept when the yankees lose pettite, clemens, and wells...and the red sox get schilling and they barely won the series
red sox 1918-2004 (86 years)...how bout them red sox? yea how bout them 1 world series in 86 yeras...they should be banned
by red sox blow February 22, 2005
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A team that believes they will win another world series before the year 2090 when cleary they are only allowed one every 86 years.

They are also dirty, hairy, smelly and will never shave. Until they Yankees buy them off. :)
Johnny Damon(aka Johnny CASH!) shaved his beard and became clean cut, he's not a true RED SOX anymore!
by rachellll July 9, 2006
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redsox are the lovable losers of the MLB. Yankees are far better and have 26 world championships. Redsox fan suicide rate is higher than any group of ppl on earth because they suck so bad.
P1: Do you like the redsox?
P2: (Suckerpunches P1) FUCK YOU, do you think I'm a fucking fag?
by Tom Lane April 24, 2005
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2007 world series champions. The yankees fans have nothing to say because they havent won in like ten years. Is it year 2090 already?
who won the 2007 world series? The yankees? Nah, the red sox!
by Sheda November 3, 2007
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a baseball team thats over rated and is the second highest paid in the mlb they are part of the red sox vs yankes rivarly...they won 1 world series in 86 years and they think they own the world and have the right to critize the yankees for just being good...the yankees only got there money from winning all them world series dont be a hater.
red sox fan:hey im a offical yankee hater.
yankee fan: your a lil bitch got rings!
by shortyrock392 June 6, 2005
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A really shitty baseball team that won a world series then all the fags from Boston cheered like crazy. They are almost as shitty as the yankees but not quite. The angels kick their ass everytime they play them. Fuck boston. They cant even say car right
Person1: hey my favorite team is the red sox
Person2: You suck
by YANKEES SUCK August 24, 2006
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(a) a baseball team in boston that has the ugliest looking bunch of guys since johnny damon left
(b) a baseball team that resides in the ugliest base ball park
(c) a baseball team whose fans are over-sensitive and only have one happy memory (2004)
(d) a baseball team who will face the revenge of the yankees in the 2007 mlb playoffs
(e) a team whose mascot is the only good thing about the franchise (let's face it...the wally guy is pretty cool)

The Yankees will beat the Red Sox in 2007. When that happens, it would be good to see the world revert to the natural state of things.
by stupid new grad September 25, 2007
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