A girl name marika that grips her hands around a boy’s dick and that boy is named melo
Dam marika you got your melo grippers done
by Wsmbaeby.m June 16, 2022
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When you're doing doggystyle and spit on both of your index fingers and then proceed to stick them in your partners ears and twist; delivering a potent wet willy and shocking them into tightening their vagina/anus at the last minute before you ejaculate. Similar in function to a donkey punch although less violent.

Best used right before you finish and on considerably dorky individuals.
An alternative method is to use your fingers in a double fish hook technique to use your partners own spit.
That girl Brooke from school is such a dork, she wanted to smash last night so I hit her with the Dorkwad Willy Gripper.
by Player Hating May 20, 2023
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Grippers are tasty feet and are so cute and beautiful in its own way. You do not want to eat them or else you turn into sherck
Person: Damn those are some nice grippers, send me some pics later!
by you suck you toe nails November 14, 2022
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A badussy so tight it grips the penis and tears it off with no mercy or empathy and eats it…
it does this in hopes to destroy all men.
Dean: Hey Mike I’m gonna go hook up with Ashley after 4th period

Mike: Bro…she’s got a gripper, don’t mess with her unless you want your dick ripped off and eaten, literally.

Dean: I- how would you know this?

Mike: I’m sadly a victim of a gripper, I go to meetings and we have a list of grippers to try and spread awareness and spare others from the great deal of trauma…
by pigeon_nuke August 22, 2023
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