The face in which you look as if your girlfriend broke up with you. A sad yet funny face.
Dude, did you see Josh's Break-up Face when he hit an old bitch with his car?
by Skate2daMusic July 24, 2009
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when you break up with a girl and there freinds run over to you and yell at you for hurting them.usualy followed by a swift kick to the balls.
when evyn broke up with laura,the break up attack mechanizm imdediatly followed.
by evyn hajas February 11, 2006
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The broads and blokes who perfected this art are notorious for breaking up with you so fast, you don't even know what the ripping off of a band-aid. This no-nonsense approach stings everytime, but it sure beats dancing around the issue for a few days.

You thought you were going to enjoy a lovely afternoon of sushi and sailing. Wrong. Before you can pull the chopsticks out, you realize your eyes are brimming with tears and then you hear, "Check please."
Your Friend: Hey, why are you back so early? Weren't you supposed to go out for putt-putt golf and a movie?

You: Umm, that's what I thought. Instead, it was a band-aid break-up. Right before the 4th hole, she just spun around and told me she doesn't see a future for us.

Your Friend: Ouch. Wanna do some shots?
by R. Rhys January 3, 2010
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You Cant...Its Impossible...Theres Nothing You Can Do...Just Forget About Him/Her...Don't Trust Anyone You Care For...Even If You've Known Them For A Long Time...I Should Know...
Misty: He Broke Up With Me
Random Person: Im Sorry, Forget About Him...Look Up How To Deal With A Break Up..
by MyBoyfriendBrokeMyHeart1018 January 10, 2018
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National Break Up Day is the date in January that is far enough away from the Holidays and before one gets sucked into the vortex for Valentines Day. Usually it is the Sunday before Martin Luther King Day.
"He waited until the National Break Up Day to break up with her, bro. It's not cool to break up during the holidays or too close to valentine's day."
by le reddit army March 8, 2014
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a quote made by me, because it's the truth
friend: my girlfriend just broke up with me...
me: well you know what they say.. if you don't break up with them, they will break up with you
by Lazar Blade September 22, 2021
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1. when you have just dumped or been dumped, and you are feeling majorly low, and all you wanna do is sit around and cry and eat chocolates and strangle the teddy bear he gave you...

2. if you've just been parted from something you majorly love, and you're really down about it.
"dude...i'm suffering from PBUS"

"damn it! i can't believe i'm not the play is over, i'm having theatre PBUS!"
by converse_kid February 19, 2004
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