you take a plastic bottle and cut a hole on the side near the bottom of the bottle. then you take a small piece of hash and place it on the tip of a lit cigarette and stick it in the hole in the bottle. when the bottle is filled, you unscrew and hit it.
He said he'd never smoked bots before, but he was exited to try it.
by OntBoyz905 June 13, 2016
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A bot is a player or group of players in video games that are trash, similar to a newb bots are easy kills but they’re familiar with the same, just not good at it
I’m good bro I don’t need your help, it’s a full squad of bots
by Anthony Zachariah August 4, 2018
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When you just aren't acting real at all and are going through the motions of life with no thoughts in your head. Can also be used by saying I'm just "botting around" or I'm just a a "princess in Bottingham Castle".
I walked all the way to Campus Center at 8 am for an advising appointment on a no school holiday like an actual bot.
by botzilla420 February 26, 2022
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Basically a indian Instagram scammer that’s puts something dumb in ig comments to make you click the link in there bio
These bots wilding ! Or these bots fast as fuck !
by Vallays April 11, 2020
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B- Yi
O- nd
Hey yindia is such a bot
by BP34 October 24, 2019
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