When someone one gets to drunk and starts being ruthless
Maleigha and mya just sent it and put a girl in the hospital
by Are you silly July 28, 2017
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1. A joke punishment to counter someone about to do something stupid
2. A genuine response from someone who thinks an individual needs to seek the lord for purity and innocence for what they did
1. I swear if you hit me one more time I will send you to Jesus, up in the clouds out of this world
2.Bro you need to get sent to Jesus why are you so dirty minded?
by Mastergod676 August 27, 2022
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wannabee roadman slang for being deported. Usually used in the country where teenagers think they’re hard
Jack: what happened to Mickey? Did he get booked
Tommy: no, mans got sent to the docks
by Soothouse February 25, 2020
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A way to spam your Facebook friends wall.
"Yo bro I sent you a trade"
by SwagMeOutOFWGKTA September 5, 2011
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a genre of bypassed 18+ games on the video game platform roblox, typically out of style now.

the name most likely comes from the word “consent”, just switched around to get past the bypassing system.

considering roblox’s main demographic is children, it’s pretty gross. :( luckily roblox is better at catching these bypasses, so they're much less frequent nowadays.
“Hey, wanna play that sent con game I told you about?”

“Alex, you have issues.”
by jesseistiredd May 5, 2021
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where you’re sent when you’re misbehaving
Toby was sent to siberia by Ms. Smith
by queensdead September 30, 2019
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