The "Ho Chi Minh Two-Step" is to be unwell and have diarrhea, making you run to the bathroom.
Dave: You wanna come out tonight, man?
Brad: Nah dude - would love too but I have the Ho Chi Minh Two-Step.
Dave: Damn, what did you eat?
Brad: I had some left over Chinese takeaway - I think that set me off...
by buckonz November 5, 2009
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Asian bagged lunch carried on by passengers of any given yet all encompassing shuttle bus originating from any Chinatown to a major comparable metropolitan destination.
Liu Ming, prior to boarding the bus from The Bowery in NYC to Philadelphia-Center City, purchased his Ho Chi Minh Trail Mix consisting of dried cuttlefish and kim chi.
by Niggardly wordsmiths December 29, 2011
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Tuyet Minh bao gom tuyet trang, thong minh va sang sua
by Wow Agase November 22, 2021
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a curved and serpent like happy trail similar to the path the north Vietnamese leader took during the Vietnam war
look at that ho chi minh trail on that bro, what a snake
by killermonkey1 April 13, 2010
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Vu Minh Hoang is a kind, sincere, compassionate person, they are often lucky in life. If you have their hearts you are really lucky.
by Knika November 22, 2021
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a thing would actually come true after 2 months of the main person getting called an annoying kid
"You know I was Shipped by Minh"
"Wow did it became true?"
"No, I lied"
by GhostMinh April 19, 2021
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Bro! Thats the best one right there
Don’t trust people from California saying about Minh Vu
by Minhvufromboston November 21, 2021
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